Our School » School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Team
NCSTAR Parent Login:
Username: GuestS17295
Password:  GuestS17295
  • Lindsay Merritt: Principal
  • Melissa Dishaw: Teacher
  • Kristin Honeycutt: Teacher
  • Leesa Fuller: Teacher
  • Alexis Fox: Teacher
  • Kelsie Hatley Teacher
  • Bailee Henderson: Teacher
  • Misty Hughes: Enrichment Teacher 
  • Jessica Dunn: Curriculum Coach
  • Jessica Medlin: Parent Representative 
  • Stacy Aldridge: Parent Representative 
All meetings will begin at 7:30 am in the Media Center unless otherwise specified.
August 27
October 1
October 29
November 27
January 28
February 25
March 25
April 22
May 27
Stanfield Elementary will help all students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally while building strong connections with families and our community. We will do this by building relationships, partnering with families and the community, empowering students and staff, and providing individual learning opportunities.
Stanfield Elementary where students succeed and families and community unite
The mission of Stanfield Elementary is to create a nurturing and enriching educational experience which fosters future success.
  • Increase opportunities for parent and community engagement throughout the school year for all students at Stanfield Elementary.
Performance Measure(s)
Performance Indicator: Increase opportunities for community agencies to support the social emotional and academic growth of students at Stanfield.
Data Source: Community/School Events
Baseline Year: 2022-2023
Baseline: 1
Target Date:
Target Date:
Performance Indicator: Increase opportunities for parents to be engaged in student learning.
Data Source: Parent Engagement Events Title I
Baseline Year: 2022-2023
Baseline: 4
Target Date:
  • Stanfield students will increase proficiency in ELA and Math by at least 10%
Performance Measure(s)
Performance Indicator: Increased proficiency in ELA will be measured using mClass assessments in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade combined.
Data Source: mCLASS
Baseline Year: 2022-2023
Baseline: 75%
Target Date:
Target Date:
Performance Indicator: Increased proficiency in math will be measured using NC end of grade assessments in grades 3rd-5th combined.
Data Source: EOG Math
Baseline Year: 2022-2023
Baseline: 49.8%
Target Date:
Performance Indicator: Increased proficiency in reading will be measured using NC end of grade assessments in grades 3rd-5th combined
Data Source: EOG Reading
Baseline Year: 2022-2023
Baseline: 45.3%
Target Date:
Target Date:
  • Stanfield students will meet or exceed growth
Performance Measure(s)
Performance Indicator: Students in grades 3-5 will met or exceed growth based on the North Carolina EOG composite scores
Data Source: EOG Compositie (3-5) All subjects
Baseline Year: 2022
Baseline: -2.75
Target Date:
Data Review:
Needs Assessments, Accreditation Reports, Similar Feedback:
Team looked at NC Teacher Conditions Survey as well as ELIOT observations and EOG data presented by the state. 
Student Outcome Data:
  •  (K-3rd Reading)
  •  (4th and 5th Reading)
  •  (K-5th Math)
  • NC Check Ins (3rd grade math, 4th/5th Math and Reading, 5th grade science)
  • Formative assessments
  • EOGs
Our Leadership Team’s progress in fully implementing Indicators and meeting Objectives:
We strive to promote our goals with the addition of resources and reports necessary to promote high student achievement.